唞一唞, 減減壓 Art Break
誠邀任何成年人參加 Welcome to anyone who interested in Expressive Arts Therapy
12/4 (二), 1-2pm
14/4 (四), 1-2pm
相信大家都困在家中好久了,在疫情當中你有沒有感到壓力大、孤單和無助?不如就在Lunch Break的空閒時間,一齊唞一唞,讓自己沉醉於藝術創作之中,用顏色為自己減減壓,舒緩一下緊張的情緒,一起體驗放鬆的感覺,好好享受當下。
Are you stuck at home for long? feeling stressful, lonely and helpless? How about taking a break and immersing yourself in art. Let's articulate your emotion with colours, let go of your daily burdens for a while and enjoy the “present” in art creation. Let’s gain a sense of peace in this workshop together.